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Wilkinson Public School
416 393-9575

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Jump Rope For Heart

In Support of The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

June 4th to 7th During HPE Class

Do you like helping others?
Do you like helping others AND being active?
Well here’s your chance to do just that!

Wilkinson students in Grades 1 to 6 will be participating in Jump Rope For Heart during HPE class in order to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

Designed for students in elementary school, Jump Rope for Heart helps: motivate kids to get active, reinforce healthy habits, teach the importance of social responsibility, and empower kids to make a difference by supporting a good cause. Jump Rope for Heart donations fund critical research that’s saving lives, preventing heart disease and stroke, and supporting survivors and their families.

How Can You Help?
By collecting donations from family, friends, co-workers and neighbours using the envelope provided by Mr. Kasaval.  On the envelope you’ll find instructions about how to collect the money and record the information that the Heart and Stroke Foundation needs.  Donations via envelopes are due in to Mr. Kasaval on Thursday, June 7th.  Please be sure that students are with parents or trusted adults when going door to door.

2) By collecting donations onlineClick here to access the Wilkinson fundraising page. Choose “Join School” and answer the questions that follow to set up a fundraising page that you can use to collect donations.

If you have trouble with the link, you can go to, choose “Donate” and then under “Donate To A School” type “Wilkinson” in the search box.  When Wilkinson Junior Public School appears below, choose “View”.

**While students in Kindergarten may not be formally participating in the program, families can use the link above to donate in support of the school.

School Goal: $7,500 Last year we raised over $9,000 and were one of the top 10 fundraisers in the city!

For more information, please visit Mr. Kasaval’s website.

Let’s Get Jumping!

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