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Wilkinson Public School
416 393-9575

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Battery Recycling

Again for the 2023-24 School Year, Wilkinson has joined the
Ontario Schools Battery Recycling Challenge

Did you know that the nickel and steel recovered from alkaline batteries are recycled into cars and appliances? From September until May 2024, we’ll be collecting used alkaline batteries at the school. Participating schools are making a pledge to recycle an entire household’s worth of batteries for every student and educator enrolled – that’s 1.36 kg per student and staff member. (See what 1.36 kg looks like).

Please collect your used batteries over the summer and bring them to the school in September. We’ll let you know when the bins are back in the front hall.

All schools that reach this goal will share a cash prize with the SickKids Foundation. Whether or not we achieve this, let’s work together to recycle as many batteries as possible and keep them out of landfill! While we’re recycling, we’ll learn about the proper ways to handle, store, and recycle batteries at home and at school.

While we did not meet the target last year, we still collected 75 kg of batteries! That’s amazing! Let’s aim to collect more this year.

Accepted Batteries: AA, AAA, C, D, 6V, 9V, and button cell (e.g., for watches). Only single-use batteries can be recycled through this program (no rechargeable batteries). Please collect your batteries in a bag and send them to school with your child, who will deposit them into our collection containers. Before sending your batteries to school, please ensure you follow the instructions for preparing your batteries. Batteries can be sent to school with students and deposited in the bins beside the Principal’s office just inside the school’s main doors (on the left). Students can also ask teachers for help if they’re unsure where to deposit them.

Students are also invited to sign up for student missions! If they complete 3 missions, they’ll be entered into a draw for one of ten $50 Visa gift cards. Completing all 5 missions by Family Day gives them a chance to win a trip to Great Wolf Lodge. Sign up for missions here.

Together we can make a difference!

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