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Wilkinson Public School
416 393-9575

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Council-Funded Arts Programming

The Arts Committee curates a variety of age appropriate arts programs each year that use drama, storytelling, music, dance and visual arts to enhance our children’s curriculum. The funding for these programs comes from Parent Council fundraising events, shopping links and the direct donations program. Thanks to contributions from Wilkinson families, the Parent Council will be funding five arts programs this year, featuring theatre, dance, music, history, visual art, and storytelling.

After each program occurs, this post will be updated with  photos and student reviews (where available).

On October 24th, D.O. Gibson joined us for HOLLA, an interactive presentation for students in Grades 1 to 6.

Photo from

D.O. discussed several strategies to combat bullying focusing on building self-esteem, standing up to bullies and finding an outlet.

HOLLA – Help, Outlet, Lead, Leave, Assert.
Key Focus: Anti-Bullying, Self-esteem, Literacy

Learn what the students of Rooms 8 and 20 thought of the presentation!

On February 13th, D.O. Gibson returned with his Black Canadian History program for students in Grades 1 to 6. It’s important to know about historic and inspirational heroes such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, but we also need to dig deeper and learn more about inspirational leaders from Canada, like Viola Desmond and Josiah Henson. This interactive presentation includes rapping, a video, and a game of “name that tune”.

On November 20, 21 and 25 the Grade 4 and 5 students participated in a visual arts program called “Soil Our Carbon Bank”, which is tied to the science behind global warming and climate change.

Students mapped a carbon mitigation strategy using drawings, paintings, and scans of minerals in the soil binding with carbon. The students also created microbes out of oven bake clay which were added to their art display.

The collaborative art installation will be hung up in the school. See photos and reviews of the process from Room 23 here.

On February 25, Roseneath Theatre performed “Rendez-Vous With Home” for Grades 4 to 6.

Image from

It is the story of sisters Josephine and Suzette, who are sent by their mother on a trip to Haiti to bury their father, a man they barely knew. Josephine, who has scant memories of her father, is anxious. Suzette, on the other hand, has no memories of her father and considers the trip an all-expenses paid vacation. But what the two sisters experience in Haiti proves to be more moving than they had expected – a journey of discovery combined with love, humour, and Haitian oral and dance traditions.

Curriculum Connections: Social Studies, Drama, Language Arts, Music.
Character Education: Responsibility, Integrity, Respect
Themes: Black History, Family, Storytelling, Haitian Culture

Here is a photo from the performance.

On April 21st,  Roseneath Theatre will perform “Princess Frownsalot” Kindergarten to Grade 3 students.  

Image from

Did anyone ever tell you that “if you keep making that face it’ll get stuck that way?” Well, when Princess Frownsalot frowns one too many times that’s exactly what happens to her, or so it says in the book found by a troupe of players in desperate need of a new production. Adapted from the short story by John Bianchi of Bungalo Books, Princess Frownsalot is a evocative and hilarious story about four people wrestling with the complicated task of expressing their feelings.

Curriculum Connections: Drama, Language Arts, Health & Phys Ed
Character Education: Empathy, Kindness & Caring, Honesty
Themes: Communication, Emotions, Mental Wellness, Compromise

Thank You Arts Committee For Bringing Such Dynamic Programming Into The School!
Thank You Wilkinson Families – Your Contributions Make This Programming Possible!

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