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Wilkinson Public School
416 393-9575

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Council-Funded Arts Programming

The Arts Committee curates a variety of age appropriate arts programs each year that use drama, storytelling, music, dance and visual arts to enhance our children’s curriculum. The funding for these programs comes from Parent Council fundraising events, shopping links and the direct donations program. Thanks to contributions from Wilkinson families, the Parent Council will be funding five arts programs this year, featuring theatre, dance, music, storytelling and story creation.

After each program occurs, this post will be updated with  photos and student reviews (where available).

(Image from

On February 1, Red Sky Productions performed “Mistatim” for Grades 1 to 6. An unforgettable story of reconciliation, Mistatim is about the taming of a wild horse and the truest of friendships. Under a prairie sky, a simple wooden fence is all that separates Calvin on his ranch and Speck on her reservation. In many ways they are worlds apart, that is, until a wild horse named Mistatim turns their worlds upside down.

Check out the notes from Room 13’s thoughtful discussion and some photos of the performance.

Curriculum Connections: Explores Native language, culture, heritage, identity and Canadian history. These curriculum connections  reflect the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s ‎Calls to Action for Education and are aligned with Ontario’s recently updated curriculum.

On February 4th,  all Grade 5 and 6 students spent the morning with performers from Canadian Stage in their program “Territorial Tales”.  Territorial Tales is a creative launching pad for young multi-disciplinary storytellers (ages 14-21) and emerging artists to share their experiences of displacement, transition and settlement through the development of short theatrical works. The 2018-19 project features plays and performers from across the globe and is shared through a multi-disciplinary, multi-lingual platform.

View student reviews and a photo from the program.

(Image from

On February 25th, Ballet Creole performed “Tounkande” for students in Grades 1 to 6. Tounkande is a special presentation for Black History Month that explores the vibrant cultural heritage of Guinea’s Malinke people!

Curriculum Connections: Dance as a means of social expression and the evolution of dance and music through cross-cultural migration and contact.

Room 7 illustrated their favourite parts and Room 23 provided insightful reviews.

(Illustration by Claudia Dávilacourtesy of

Roseneath Theatre’s production of “Head à Tête” came to the school on March 18th for Grades 4 to 6. Head à Tête is the story of two strangers who overcome the barriers of language and mistrust to find friendship. Set in a barren, cold and windy land that was once a beautiful garden, Head à Tête unfolds with the arrival of a strange cage-like object. As if triggered by the presence of life, a magical tree bearing “fruit” begins to grow. When two strangers, one French-speaking and one English-speaking, appear from opposite directions and discover the tree and the sanctuary it provides, a stand off begins. Frustration and conflict grows with each word spoken, but it is through the loss and re-birth of the tree that they find peace in each other’s company. (50/50 French English)

Curriculum Connections: Language Arts, Drama, Respect, Kindness & Caring, Teamwork, Cooperation, Fairness, Conflict Resolution.

Room 23 used a star rating system for their reviews.

(Image from

Head à Tête was followed by the dynamic storytelling of Nathalie Vachon on April 5th for Kindergarten students. Follow Nathalie as she spins original tales that engage, inspire and make audiences fall in love with storytelling. Imagination on the Loose! is a mesmerizing and funny performance that takes everyone on an interactive ride through folktales from around the world, adventures told in rhyme, and modern fairy tales with a twist! With lots of audience participation, songs and wordplay, students see that stories can be found everywhere and anywhere!

Curriculum Connections: Creative writing, imagination, and literacy through storytelling, song and wordplay.

Rooms 2 and 5 had great things to say about the performance!

Thank You Arts Committee For Bringing Dynamic Programming Into The School!

Thank You Wilkinson Families – Your Contributions Make This Programming Possible!

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