The goal of the Wilkinson School Community Council (WSCC) is to supplement the curriculum to make each child’s experience at Wilkinson a rewarding one. We work with teachers, school administration, and Wilkinson families to build a sense of community and raise funds with events like movie nights, pizza lunches, the Sweetheart Bake Sale, the Wood Car Derby, and the ever-popular annual Fun Fair.
Thank you to everyone who helps to make these events possible with your time, money, and your enthusiastic participation.
With the tremendous dedication and generous support of our community, we have brought enriching experiences to the school through programming and activities like:
- Arts performances, visiting authors, Scientists in the School, and the beloved Ukulele Program, which was piloted at Wilkinson and now operates city-wide;
- Playground upgrades, student graduation festivities, and field trip subsidies;
- Educational seminars for parents and families like the Internet Safety Seminar and the Head Lice Information Seminar.
Over the last two years, the WSCC sponsored a significant technology update for the school with the purchase of tablets (70 iPads in total), laptops (Chromebooks), and Apple TV projection systems. The projection systems have been placed in every classroom, while iPads are used with the primary grades (K-3), and Chromebooks are used with the junior grades (4-6). This allows Wilkinson to provide a wide range of digital learning opportunities for our children.
None of this would have been possible without the support of families like yours. We would like to carry on the important work of enhancing the curriculum at Wilkinson, and we ask that you consider contributing to our efforts with a tax-deductible gift during our direct donation campaign. Please see the attached form for more information.
NEW THIS YEAR: Donate online using the School Cash Online tool. To ensure it’s attributed correctly to our campaign, please select Wilkinson Junior Public School as the Fund Destination and add Direct Donation to the message field.
Once again, thank you for the tireless support that makes Wilkinson such an amazing place to be. We couldn’t do it without you!