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Wilkinson Public School
416 393-9575

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June Events

We would love to come together for a Fun Fair this year. However, because we only recently learned this was a possibility, the Parent Council feels that we don’t have enough time or resources to hold a successful event this month.

Instead, we’ve decided to focus on next year as it appears we’ll be able to bring back many of our pre-COVID events and add some new ones to the mix. In fact, we plan to kick off the year with a Fall Fest!

So, what do we need to make next year’s events and activities a reality?  Volunteers and money.

Over the last two years, our savings enabled us to run as many student programs as health and safety protocols allowed. We’re now essentially starting from scratch financially. Your support of our silent auction, rain barrel sale, Move & Groove, and cookbook will go a long way towards many of next year’s programs – thank you!

Outside of fundraisers, Wilkinson families can support the school at any time through direct donations and our online shopping links. The funds raised go directly towards programming and activities that benefit our students.

Our events are organized and run by parent volunteers. Whether or not you decide to join next year’s Parent Council (info to come in September), we are in desperate need of more help. There’s only so much that a small group can do. If you’d like to help with next year’s Fall Fest, please let us know.

In the meantime, there are several activities currently in need of volunteers. Check out this post and our calendar for more information, and please look out for more opportunities next year.

We’re always interested in supporting new event and activity ideas. If you have something you’d like to run with, please contact us.

We sincerely appreciate your support and look forward to a fun-filled next year.

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