Contact Information

Wilkinson Public School
416 393-9575

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Pizza Lunch Sign-Up

Pizza lunch sign-up forms for students in Grades 1-6 will be sent home this week. If you don’t receive one, you can download a copy of the form: Pizza Lunch Sign-Up

Please ensure you have included both first and last names and take a moment to double check the students’ room number. If using the same form for more than one student, please ensure that each child’s corresponding room number is clearly indicated.

Forms and funds will be collected outside Room 3 on September 20-23 from 8:20 to 9:00 am. September 23, 2016, is the last day to submit forms and payment. 

Please note: Teachers and office staff cannot accept these forms. Payments can be made by cash (exact change greatly appreciated!) or by cheque payable to “Wilkinson School Community Council.”

If your child(ren) participate in the program, they will not need to bring a lunch to school on Pizza Lunch days.

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