Contact Information

Wilkinson Public School
416 393-9575

Important Items

Attendance & Health Screening

ABSENCES — Safe Arrival Process

Please review the full TDSB Safe Arrival policy PR707A. Safe Arrival Sept 2021.pdf

It is important that parents report absences immediately and provide a reason for the absence. Parents/Guardians may now call SchoolMessenger directly at 1-833-250-2290 (7:00am-3:00pm) to report a current or future absence.

For unexplained absences, the system will call you from telephone number 833-250-2290. Please listen to the ENTIRE message and follow the prompts. 

If you need to pick up your child for an appointment, please send an email or note to your child’s teacher so they know when to send them to the office for pick-up. If at all possible, please avoid last minute requests for pick-up during the last 30 minutes of the school day [3:15-3:45pm]. Dismissal for kindergarten is at 3:30pm and the rest of the school at 3:45pm, classes are often in movement or readying for dismissal. 

NEW Screening Form:  FULL FORM: Oct 5 NEW Health Screen.pdf

Please note the changes on the new screening form. This form lists the same 5 main symptoms, but does note anyone who has other symptoms, not listed, should also stay home. 

NEW Back to School Form: FULL FORM: Updated Return to school form.pdf

If your child has experienced COVID symptoms and has required a PCR test  please share results or a completed “Back to School Form” with our general email Please note negative results on rapid antigen tests are not accepted, only PCR results. See excerpt from NEW “Back to School form” below.

Principal Jensen

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