Good Day Wilkinson Families,
We are looking forward to a safe return to in-person learning on Monday January 17.
It has been a challenging few weeks with the return to remote learning, managing your child(ren) as they attend school remotely, and for many of you, continuing your own work from home. Thank you for your support, patience and commitment to your child(ren)’s learning. It has been greatly appreciated.
As we return to in-school learning, we continue to depend on your support, understanding and patience in assisting us in maintaining a safe and healthy school environment. As we continue to hear the rising numbers of Omicron cases and the impact these are having on our health care system, we need to continue to work together to ensure that we are all safe. Please keep your child at home if they are feeling unwell.
Below is some important information for the return on Monday:
For your first day back, please refer to the new screening tool (PDF link below). A paper copy will be sent home with students on Monday. Until you have your paper copy of the new screening tool, please:
Refer to the new screening tool NEW Screening Tool PDF for symptoms
Continue to sign the paper health pass you currently have (and bring it to school on Monday)
Students without completed health passes will be supported by school staff outside of their classrooms while we contact home to verify students ‘pass’ all the expectations on the health pass.
ALL Wilkinson devices should be sent to school MONDAY with your child. Most of these are school and classroom devices and we will need them for your children to use in the school.
All students will continue to be required to wear a mask while inside Wilkinson. Students should arrive with a clean mask and have a spare available in their knapsack. At recess and during the lunch hours, masks are not required for students if they are safely distancing outside. We have a supply of high quality, 3-ply cloth masks available for students. Parents, guardians and caregivers should wear masks at all times when on school grounds.
There are more than 16,000 HEPA filters in all occupied learning spaces across the TDSB. At Wilkinson all classrooms have a Hepa Filter. To learn more about the updates the TDSB has made to improve ventilation visit…
We will continue adhering to Toronto Public Health and Toronto District School Board direction regarding COVID health and safety protocols. Students will remain with their class cohorts during lunch and recess breaks. We ask all parents / guardians to continue supporting our efforts in keeping everyone safe. Remind your child to follow directions to ensure they are always being mindful and safe. Although schools are no longer sharing the number of positive COVID cases with the Ministry of Education, we are expected to monitor daily attendance and to let our superintendents know immediately if our combined staff and student absences are at 30% and above. I will be sharing information with parents via email if our numbers begin to approach the 30% school absenteeism mark. Also, parents will continue to be advised of any positive COVID cases in their child(ren)’s class.
If you or your family require support (emotional, financial), please do not hesitate to reach out to Liz or Nicki. Our school has access to both social work and psychological services and we are also able to assist with food / grocery gift cards if there is a need. Information shared remains private and confidential.
We will follow-up on Monday with additional information and support from Michael Garron Hospital.
Thank you for your continued support in these difficult times.
Liz and Nicki