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Wilkinson Public School
416 393-9575

Important Items

Start of School Info 2023

Welcome To The 2023-2024 School Year!

Although there are still a few more days before school begins, we wanted to take this opportunity to welcome back all returning students, families, and staff and to give a warm first welcome to all new Wilkinson families and staff.
We’re so happy you’re here!

We hope the information below will help you navigate the next few weeks.

First Day of School
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
The School Day Runs From 9:15 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. (3:30 p.m. for Kindergarten)

Before Entering the School
Although a formal health screening is no longer required to come to school each day, if your child is feeling unwell, please keep them home to avoid getting others sick. The TDSB continues to be a mask-friendly environment inclusive of all staff and students. The school will continue to provide medical masks to students who request them.

Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Morning entry is at 9:15 a.m. The schoolyard is supervised beginning at 9:05 a.m. Please do not drop-off children earlier than this unless they are coming for a scheduled activityFor student safety, the use of the school parking lot is not permitted for drop-off and pick-up and vehicles without an authorized TDSB permit are subject to ticketing and towing(Property Map). The designated drop-off/pick-up lane is located in front of the school on Donlands Ave. The school day ends at 3:40 p.m., 3:30 p.m. for Kindergarten students.

Kindergarten students gather in the fenced yard to the north of the building (during the school day this is an exclusive Kindergarten space). Grade 1-6 gather in the remainder of the yard.

Teachers will have signs indicating their name and grade. When the bell rings, students are asked to gather in a line behind their teacher. Teachers will bring their classes into the building on the first day. 

Cell Phones
Please note that while on school property, cell phones are only permitted before and after school, not during class time, at recess or at lunch.

Nut Allergies
Please remember that Wilkinson is a nut free school. We have several students who have life-threatening anaphylactic allergies to a variety of nuts, including chocolate hazelnut spreads.

It’s important to note that “peanut free” and “nut free” are not the same thing. When packing lunches and snacks, please remember to never send products containing nuts of any type (peanuts or otherwise) to school. Thank you for your cooperation in helping to ensure the safety and well-being of our students.

Lunch and Litterless Lunches
As a Platinum EcoSchool, we request that our students bring litterless lunches and snacks (including a full reusable water bottle) to school. A litterless lunch does not include materials that go into the garbage or recycling. Instead, it contains reusable food and drink containers, reusable cutlery, and compost items, all packed into a reusable bag. Please pack a water bottle that comes to school filled and returns home each night for cleaning.

For students who stay at school, primary classes (grades 1-3) eat from 12 to 12:30 p.m. and then have recess from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. Junior classes (grades 4-6) have recess from 12 to 12:30 pm and then come inside for lunch from 12:30 to 1 p.m. Kindergarten students will eat lunch in their classrooms. Students in the Dandylion program will eat with the daycare.

Used Battery Collection
We’ve signed up for the Ontario Schools Battery Recycling Challenge again and will begin collecting batteries at the school in September or October. We’ll let you know when the collection bins arrive, and you can send your used alkaline batteries to school with your child for recycling. Full program details can be found on our website.

Over the First Few Weeks
Each year, families are required to fill out a school forms package. A personalized link to complete the forms online will be sent to families within the first few days of school (from “TDSB Online Form” If you are unable to fill out your forms online, paper copies will either be sent home in your child’s backpack or can be obtained by contacting the school’s main office.

You’ll also be receiving emails containing information about the Parent Council and how to join, fundraising opportunities, and upcoming events. This information, including a calendar, can also be found on our website.

September Parent Council Meeting & Getting Involved
The first Parent Council meeting of the school year will be held on Monday, September 18th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the Library (a Zoom link will also be available). All members of the Wilkinson community are welcome to attend Council meetings as guests. If you’re thinking of joining the Parent Council, attending the meeting on the 18th is a great way to learn what we’re about. September 18th will be the last meeting of the 2022-2023 Parent Council. The 2023-2024 Council will meet for the first time in October. If you’re interested in joining as a voting member, look out for our nomination form which will be sent by email in September or October.

Aside from joining the Parent Council, you can get involved by joining a committee or volunteering at specific events, all of which are planned and run by parent volunteers. Find out more about our committees here and look out for more details over the next few weeks.

Committee Spotlight: What is the Anti-Racism and Equity Committee?
The A.R.E. is a collective of Wilkinson parents committed to social justice. They are working to create a more equitable community at Wilkinson and to confront racism, discrimination, and hate at the school in all its forms.

You can keep abreast of the committee’s activities by subscribing to the Parent Council newsletter at or using the form at the bottom right of the Council website. If you’re interested in joining the A.R.E.Committee, please contact us through the Council at council@wilkinsonpsorg.

Finding Information
The Communications Committee works hard to keep Wilkinson families informed about school and Parent Council events and activities through emails, our websiteFacebook and Twitter.

For the 2023-24 school year, the Parent Council will be transitioning to monthly email newsletters (instead of weekly). Look out for our first newsletter soon!

Looking for details about the events, activities, and information we send out? Check our website! Posts on the homepage will keep you in the know, and our calendar will help keep you organized. If you have a question that our website can’t answer, send a message to and we’ll do our best to help.

For news from the TDSB, the French as a Second Language Advisory Committee, local elected officials, and other external organizations, we encourage you to sign up directly for their respective email lists. Visit our Links and Resources page for more information.

You can also opt-in for text messages from the TDSB using the School Messenger app, which provides a faster and easier way to report absences. Learn more. Please pass this email to new families and staff who may not yet be on our mailing list and encourage them to sign up!

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