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Wilkinson Public School
416 393-9575

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TPH Nurse Q&A

Our Toronto Public Health Nurse, Dhaval Patel, R.N., BsCN, will join us for a COVID-19 question and answer session on Monday, November 30th. The session will take place via Zoom at 6:30 pm, before the Parent Council meeting. It’s for adults and will last approximately 20 minutes.

This session is specifically about COVID-19 in our schools and how we can work together to keep our school community safe. It will be most successful if we gather questions in advance to help Dhaval tailor the presentation to our needs.

Sample question topics include: school scenarios and what to do if your child has symptoms, the process when a case is reported in a classroom, and available mental health supports. Please submit any questions you have by Thursday, November 26th at noon.

Thanks for your participation!

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