Wilkinson Public School
Opened in 1915, Wilkinson Public School is a JK – Grade 6 dual track elementary school with a French Immersion (formerly Extended French) program starting in grade 4. It has been part of the Danforth/Donlands community for just over 100 years. Our school is rich in cultural diversity, with 500 students speaking over 15 different languages. This provides an exciting opportunity for all our students to learn about and celebrate many different cultures.
Wilkinson Highlights
Robust and popular athletic program
Host of the Doane USchool and “Uke Day” Ukulele Festival
Certified Platinum EcoSchool since 2017
Wilkinson Children
We believe that all children have the potential to succeed in school. We provide rich programs in literacy, mathematics, science and the arts.
- Middle French Immersion program for students in Grades 4-6
- Integration of information technology into all of our classrooms
- Enriched Music program including specialties in Band, Strings, ORFF Choir and Ukulele
- Nationally recognized Healthy Eating Program
- Excellent Library resources
- Outstanding Physical Education program including teams in Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Cross-Country and Track and Field
Dandylion Daycare Centre (for children aged 2 1/2 to 10) is an integral part of the school. The centre’s programs help build the lifelong learning skills and values that all children need to become responsible members of our society.
Wilkinson People
All people at Wilkinson work towards building a welcoming, respectful, and safe school for everyone. Our Wilkinson Public School Staff and parents (through our Wilkinson Public School Council) work together to create a close-knit school community for the benefit of our whole neighbourhood. There are many ways to get involved!
Toronto District School Board
Wilkinson Public School is part of the Toronto District School Board, who maintain this webpage about the school.
Wilkinson Public School Address
Wilkinson Public School
53 Donlands Avenue
Toronto, ON M4J 3N7
416 393-9575
To report student absences or late arrivals, either call the main phone number or call SchoolMessenger directly at 1-833-250-2290 (7:00 am to 3:00 pm). If you need to pick up your child for an appointment, please send an email or note to your child’s teacher so they know when to send them to the office for pick-up. If at all possible, please avoid last minute requests for pick-up during the last 30 minutes of the school day.