Contact Information

Wilkinson Public School
416 393-9575

Important Items

Saturday, June 3, 2023
11 am – 3 pm
Rain or Shine


The Wilkinson Fun Fair is typically our biggest event of the year! Not only does it bring our community together for a day of fun, but paired with the Silent Auction, it’s our Council’s main source of fundraising.

Fun Fair profits will be used to support our ukulele program, field trip subsidies, Scientists in School and other classroom programs, performing and visual arts, Grade 6 graduation and yearbooks, greening initiatives, books for the Forest of Reading program, anti-racism library books, and Council communications.

We had a great time at the Fun Fair and hope that you did too!

It took over six months, and our planning crew worked tirelessly to bring the event back to life this year – no small feat, considering many on the team had never attended a Wilkinson Fun Fair and the cost of everything has gone way up. Over 25 area leads, 100 volunteers, and 9 sponsors, came together to make this event possible with the help of countless Wilkinson families who donated items and baked goods. Thank you to everyone involved and everyone who came out to have fun at the event!

It really is amazing what a group can achieve. And with some on the planning team leaving the school this year, it’s important to get new people involved so events like the Fun Fair can continue into the future. Please consider helping out next year. We are sincerely thankful for all the high school students that came to help us out, but next year we need to get more adults involved so that we have supervision and coverage for all areas of the event. Planning for the 2023-24 event will begin in the new year. To help out, please email

We are grateful for our event sponsors, organizers, team leads, and volunteers.
We couldn’t do this without you! THANK YOU!

Thank you, Wilkinson families, for your donations and participation.

Fun Fair is a hugely important fundraiser, and we thank you all for making it a success.

Basic Info About the Event and Our NeedsUrdu and Gujarati translations 
Food Ticket, Game Card, and Payment FAQ – we cannot accept credit or debit
Event Map

We’re a Platinum EcoSchool! Help us help the environment by bringing a reusable water bottle or cup to hold drinks, a reusable container for your bake sale purchases, and a tote bag to hold your other goodies (books, games, prizes, etc.) 
