Would Your Child Like To Attend
A Scientists In School Virtual Workshop?
Each year, the Wilkinson School Community Council funds the Scientists in School program, which provides hands-on science education to all of our classrooms. This year, Scientists in School is running online workshops.
If there’s enough interest, we’re considering running several workshops for the Wilkinson community (both in-person and virtual learners).
If you think your child would like to participate in this program, please fill out this interest survey so we can determine the number of workshops needed and when they should run.
We’ll book the workshops based on the feedback gathered, and survey participants will get the first opportunity to register.
Please respond to the survey by Friday, December 18th.
About the Workshops
The hour-long workshops are delivered through Microsoft Teams and will take place outside of school hours. Our in-person and virtual students (JK-Grade 6) can come together to participate from home using their own personal science kits*.
*Participants must be able to pick-up their kit from a location close to the school.
Each workshop accommodates 15-20 students who will be grouped by age. Check out the workshop topics here!
Thanks for your feedback!